The Right to Be Forgotten Legislation was established by the European Court of Justice in 2014. This legislation gives people who live in the EU the opportunity to apply to search engines, such as Google, to have certain data removed. 

Although Google claimed to be overwhelmed with such applications, many web pages that contained sensitive misinformation about a person were successfully removed. However, the BBC reported in September 2019 that Google won a landmark court case, giving them the right not to apply this legislation globally. 

I have been asked recently how this EU legislation affects UK citizens after Brexit has happened. The EU Withdrawal Act of 2018 means that the original European legislation under article 17 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will continue to be relevant. 

If you have unwanted search results appearing, when you look for your name or your company on the internet, you can still appeal to Google or another search engines to request for the removal of data. 

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