Ken Treharne (formerly 84 Clearmount Road)

Very sorry to read the death of Brian.
I first met him in the early 40s, soon became aware of his enthusiasm for the sea. I was never a sailing man always a rower. British and American dinghies, and occasionally rented one off Pop Winzor. I envied his Portland Stone faced house always wanted one. However, pebble dash and artificial stone had to suffice. 
I can certainly remember our interest in the arrival of the Americans 1943 and D.Day 1944. I can also remember Joan, I believe it was Sudan Road where you lived. Polly Perkins and the Peaches were your close neighbours.
Nice to see a tribute from Rashley’s, I assume of Rashley Store. I can remember Mr Lewis their van driver, he let me ride with him. One last memory, Brian disliked wearing glasses as a very young man. He would use the squint technique to improve his sight. He pulled with his fingers the side of his eye.
Lovely memories, lovely man.